Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bebe has arrived!

Baby Josiah has arrived! 
Date: September 16th
Time: 1:11pm 
Weight: 6 lbs. 14 oz.
Length: 19.5 inches

Its been two months and I can't believe how quickly time has flown by! With the challenges of birthing (more on that later, I'll have to draft a shortened version of that story), constant feeding, lack of sleeping, we've managed to make it through, and we're still going...

They say you experience a new kind of love when you have a little one of your own. I now know what other parents are talking about and I think I've become of those crazies that take an excessive amount of photos of their babies. But hey, they say to take as many photos while you can - I'm definitely taking that advice to heart! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pre-baby Photoshoot

We decided to do a quick photoshoot a few weeks ago to document Baby J while he is still baking in the oven - Taken by my talented little sis

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dressing the bump.

Maternity-wear. The words made me want to cringe pre-pregnancy and I still get those feelings every now and then when my husband and I pass by a Motherhood or Pea in a Pod. Though I must admit, we've come a long way since the earlier decades when our mothers used to wear shapeless dresses that were wide enough to pitch a tent, and not to mention the hideous maternity overalls...

I think that more than anything, it's the stigma attached to these stores that cause them to be unappealing to me. I know that I should give them a chance, but the price- tags definitely don't make it any easier. Now that stores such as Forever 21 and H&M also carry maternity-wear, they are becoming a bit less expensive and more "hip-" but the thought of purchasing clothing just to wear for the duration of my pregnancy feels like a waste of money.  

Of course in the end, there are more important things to worry about such as eating a healthy diet, staying positive emotionally, preparing for the day of labor and of course, taking care of bebe. But on a superficial note, how you look can sometimes determine how you feel. 

So for those who would like to know, or are curious as to how one can take short-cuts towards maximizing their wardrobe for this 9-month (or less if you're lucky!) occasion, here are some tips and tricks I've learned...
  • Rather than paying $30 for a belly-band, purchase a wide bandeau tube top to wear over your pants/shorts instead, it's the same concept minus the hefty price tag. I found one for $3.99.
  • Purchase clothing one (or two) sizes up, and ask yourself if you would wear them again post-pregnancy
  • Spandex shorts (they are back from the 80s) and leggings are your best friends- wear them frequently and creatively
  • Drapey, shapeless and long tops (enough to cover your bum) are perfect for your growing bump and you can pair them with leggings without worrying about exposing too much.
  • Hold a shapeless dress down with a skinny belt worn above the bump
  • There are many high-waisted tops and dresses out there, but be weary of ones that appear to be too babydoll-like 
  • If you must wear heels, opt for a low wedge, which is sturdier than a heel in itself
  • Don't be afraid of color and prints! Wearing black is slimming, but just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you need to dress for a funeral.
  • Scour thrift stores for fun tops without having to spend much.
  • Accessorize. Buying accessories is always a pick-me-upper because you can always fit into them (with the exception of rings if bloating is an issue).
  • Smile - no one likes to be around an irritated and hormonal pregnant lady, so flash those pearly whites!
  • Embrace your bump and wear it with pride!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Clothes for bebe!

        Preppy styles from Janie & Jack 

       Classic basics at Makié Clothing 

  Fun options from Baby Gap

I'm not sure if I had already mentioned it, but we are (at least according to the ultrasounds) expecting a baby boy! The moment we found out we were having a boy, the whole idea of having a baby started to become more real. As a stylist, I cannot help but to start daydreaming clothing options for the little guy before he is old enough to give me opposition. : )

The challenge most mommies of baby boys say they face are the limited options they see in most stores (I honestly think I would gag if I saw any more baby blue onesies). As grown-up men do tend to have fewer clothing choices and styles than women, the same applies with little boys (my husband is constantly griping about that!). However, there are many children's clothing stores out there that seem to get it and have come up with a greater variety than what you would typically find at your local Babies R' Us, Gymboree and so forth - the only problem is that some of these companies require a bigger budget, which is sometimes hard to justify for something they may only wear once or twice!

Perhaps it's time I start making my own baby clothes, but that is all wishful thinking...

Monday, July 30, 2012

A tie-dyeing frenzy.

I had bought a package of Rit dye in royal blue awhile back, and finally went about experimenting. I was inspired to turn some of my drab clothing items into something "new," especially now that my clothing selection is rather limited due to physical circumstances : P. I looked towards other blogs for inspiration, which resulted in a variety of dyeing methods ranging from the traditional tie-dye (rubber-banding segments first) to more of the recent ombre gradient effect. In order to maximize my pack of dye, I ended up dyeing a a bit more than what I had initially intended!
 The second round involved ombre-ing a pair of maternity shorts I received as a gift. The color was a drab beige and needed a little something...who says maternity-wear needs to be boring?!

  • Wear rubber gloves - I was lazy towards the end and took them off, which resulted in blue fingers for a night.
  • Don't rush - I was too excited to begin and ended up getting dye onto the parts I wanted to remain white, but a good soaking in Chlorox bleach helped erase some of the mistakes!
  • Start off with clothing you are okay with parting, that way if you do make a mistake, it isn't as painful.
  • Dye clothing in a garage or bathroom sink and away from carpet, you'd be amazed by the amount of splashes you can incur while dyeing.
  • Practice on a men's undershirt!
  • Wash dyed clothing separately by hand for a few washes, as the color tends to bleed.
  • Keep pets and children away unless you want them to match your newly updated clothing : ) 
  • Have fun!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Babymooning up the California coast

We decided to do a Babymoon road trip up the California coastline back in May, making pit-stops in our favorite little towns - Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach, Monterey Bay and last but not least, San Francisco. It feels so surreal to think that this will be our last "vacation" as a married couple minus children. However, I'm looking forward to bringing our future child around to experience the exciting world around them. I have a feeling it'll end up being us adults who learn to see the world through a different perspective, as children have a way of revealing a hidden world we have lost while growing up.