Wearing a Vest by Bongo, thrifted belt, UO tuxedo pants, Bally pumps, vintage Christian Dior bag and blazer from Mom, BR blouse
This was taken a few weeks ago during our "date night." The Hubby took me to a little French cafe (Cafe Beaujolais in Eagle Rock). I highly recommend this place, the prices are very reasonable and you really feel like you're at a Brasserie in Paris.

I love the French-ness of this sign. They mean "Tommy's Burgers," lol. Can't you imagine the French waiter saying this??
Free day at the Huntington Library & Gardens! This place always reminds me of another era or transports me back to Versaille.

Interesting bit of info: The day I came back from The Huntington, Urban Outfitters delivered their new catalog into my mailbox, and guess where the location was shot? Look for this cute little stone chair!