Wearing: Thrifted vest, AE white button-up, F21 shorts, bordeaux stockings from TJ Maxx, Bandalino boots, Longchamp doctor bag
Started decorating our place with little pieces of "Christmas." We strung ornaments onto our miniature tree, lit some candles, hung our stockings, all while listening to classic Christmas oldies. The place looks ten times cheerier and it definitely puts me into the Christmas spirit! Yes, Thanksgiving hasn't even come yet and we're already getting prepared...I have much to be thankful to God for, even though I throw in an occasional complaint here and there.

I was inspired by the beautiful (but pricey) ribbon link necklace from the Anthropologie catalog. I decided to buy several spools of ribbon and re-create my own version of a "ribbon-link" necklace. It took some time, but I was quite delighted with the results! I intend on making more when I'm bored and in the mood for experimenting.